Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Welcome to All New Visitors

This site has officially been made public. For the last week, this site has been kept a secret, known to only me and four others. Josh Weinberg knew that I was up to something but did not know what.

Well, this is what it is: a blog.

This is probably going to be the funniest site on the net.


  1. sruli what about those that need entertainment at work?

  2. Ok, everyone, lets get those comments rolling. Srulii works very hard on this. The least we can do is comment...

  3. ok, before people look at this whole blog, they should know all of sruli's names: sruli, rapps, sruli rapps, srulii, srulster, duli, duls, duli-duli, and thats about it, am i missing any?

  4. What does Debbie have to say about this srulster??? BTW i have been looking forward to this all day!!!

  5. Sruli - I'm excited to see where this goes... Gave you a shout out in our favorite blogs link on the side, on behalf of Project Recharge we wish you much hatzlacha - check it out -

  6. Sruli as long you as you keep posting I will keep on reading
    - Schaffer

