Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An Excellent Opportunity

Listen guys, are you a YU student? Have you already taken Hebrew 1205 and 1206? Are you looking to grab three extra credits for the semester?
If you, like me, answered yes to all of those questions then speak to me.
This is the scoop: I spoke on Monday with Professor Shmuel Schneider, head of the Hebrew department, about studying with him this semester. He said that if I can find one more person who is interested then he will do it.
The great benefits are, firstly, that it is already a month into the semester. By the time we actually start the class it will be after Succot. Also, I can help you out. I have a specific liking to Hebrew grammar, and since there will only be three people in this class, I can help you out. It is a good source of three credits.
For information either get in contact with me, or simply leave a comment at srulii.blogspot.com.


  1. a couple of points: 1)what is a dince?, 2)when you say 3 ppl in the class are u including the professor? cuz if you are then thats weird, and if not then why did you say before that you only need to find one more person? tzarich iyun gadol

  2. wow - i cant belive that zlou and myself checked this blog without a JBV. link

    That my friend is an excellent oppurtunity

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @zlou: there was one person who had contacted him previously.

  5. There are not many things in the world I would rather not do right now than sit in the YU library staring at pages of hebrew grammer (although my hebrew experience of Prof. Tawil and Rebitzn Danishevsky was pretty solid).

    Sorry Srul, im not in.

  6. This is more of a general question adressed to sruli, When you look at other blogs such as project recharge or stollel do u now judge them based on the "my blog is better scale" or can you still hold an objective view?

  7. @kirsch: at this point I am still able to hold an objective view.

