Saturday, September 26, 2009


I am over here with an envelope that I need to mail to Avidan Bienenfeld. Now, Avidan lives about eight houses away from me on the same block. It is funny to think that I could walk the envelope over to his house which would take about five minutes. Instead, I am going to mail it in which case it will go to some mail sorting facility where they will sort it and put it on a mailing route and he won't get it until wednesday. A lot of extra steps to go a short way.


  1. Srulii, did you know that when you send someone a FEDEX package it actually goes down to Memphis and then goes to its destination. Even if you are sending the package a few houses away. I heard this.

  2. That's whacked bro! you should have called me and we could have met in the middle... well I guess we'll know for next time...

  3. @RGB i know that there is a plant in memphis

  4. @avidan, i hope there wont be a next time...

  5. @shiaz, hey I could be mailing srulii other letters besides for the wedding...

  6. sruli, correction, its not actually the same block because you have to cross sussex in meant to say the same street

  7. I just when over the facts with ethan. In fact, it is 12 houses

