Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Relative?

Searching for a picture of Breslov led me to a certain blog, where I found that beautiful Jew with the Shofar two posts previous. I was awefully curious what the deal with that guy was so I looked at his profile. Looking at that profile almost made me jump out of my seat. it was an instant "Oh my goodness!". Could he be a relative of the Levite Shlepper?
Here goes...

P.S. It is even the same blog template.


  1. actually pretty interesting blog

  2. For the sake of "honest blogging" and for the record (and for ALicht!)- it is actually the original JBV template.

  3. you raise a good point rebbe - ayun the first comment here from 5/31/09:

    @ Sruli- get ready for traffic to "go wild" (... and now me and zlou will check!)

  4. ...but still- no one has has answered that question about the dnieper schlepper;

    that is WAY too weird to be a coincidence...

