Monday, May 10, 2010

I Don't Fully Understand

I went today to pray minchah in 101 and I saw there a source sheet from what seems to have been a lecture delivered on the topic of the neshama yeseira.
What I did not, and to this very time still do not, understand is that all of the twelve or so sources were from gemara and halacha mainly about the detail of whether or not we make a blessing on spices after Yom Tov. It struck me how many of the members of the communities of Torah learning that we are part of, are so deeply rooted in halacha that even a lecture with a name that implied spiritual involvement, was in the end a halacha shiur just like any other, if not more technical.
I would have thought that if the topic was dealing with the neshama yeseira there should have been at least one source from the zohar or from a book of chasidus.


  1. ye its take shver. we gotta daven for these people.

  2. I saw the same thing and thought the same thing Srulii - its a rough matzav

  3. cant relate sorry brother

