Thursday, May 6, 2010

Elevator Pt. 2

Anyhow, today once again, I was in the elevator going down to the lobby from the 5A floor of the library. And once again, as in the first story, our elevator personality entered on the fourth floor. If I recall correctly, although it was several hours ago now, when he entered he immediately pushed the button to close the door.
Then, the elevator stopped on 2A, and before the door even opened the "door open" button had been pushed several times by this individual. It so happened, that nobody entered from 2A, and when this person noticed that, he began to press both the button for the lobby as well as the "door closed" button. Now I have seen people press the door closed button before, or the button of the floor that they need to go to, but I think that this is the first time that i have seen both at once.
Now did anyone ever notice that pressing those buttons does absolutely nothing?
We are not yet done. When we reached the lobby and the doors cracked open, he essentially put on this act as if he were trying to squeeze sideways through the smallest opening between the doors. I mean come on, that is just completely pointless. By the time he put on the act the doors were already wide open. It doesn't exactly take an hour for elevator doors to go from barely open to completely open.

