Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Graduation Is Like Death

You know, I did not really enjoy college. I found it very difficult and often times frustrating. However, now that it is over and I am preparing to move to Israel and leave everything behind, it is a little sad thinking that I may seldom see the wonderful friends that I have made over the last three years.
In this sense, graduation is like death. This world has many difficulties and frustrations, yet we are nervous to go onto the next world even though the next world is the Garden of Eden. We are nervous to leave behind what we have created for ourselves over here.


  1. good vort....
    although a bit morbid to send off the blog with......

  2. very intense post srulii - i dont see why the blog is ending - there are still many yidden who need something to do while studying and in class!!

  3. well put Srul,

    ..but im not graduating and i feel the same way

