Monday, May 24, 2010

I Beg to Differ

I do not fully agree with my previous post. Some points I believe are true and others were not spelled out clearly enough. It is a complex issue.


  1. sruli- i love how you were so excited to tell me outside of glueck to check out what you responded to me a couple of posts ago, and as i eagerly clicked on the comments link to see what clever response you had come up with, i noticed that all you said was "thanks zlou. it is not too late to change it."
    classic srulii for ya

  2. last day ... :'-(
    (maybe the 2 biggest fans could geta shoutout ala the Skratchiner?)

  3. i told srulii i expect a video to send off the blog with.....
    its gonna be great- too bad only 3 of us are ever here to enjoy it.

  4. yeah - although there is the occasional mkirsch comment, and once in a Halley's comet R Dovid'l reference

  5. but @zlou - what are we going to do now? which avenue will we find ways to trash talk?

  6. i DON'T know yet. i Guess we will have tO go back to including hidden messages on Stollel using Random capital letters in oUr posts....untiL then, ts been great whIle It lasted! (pretty please???)

  7. yeah I ThOghT it over, And LiteraLlY hAve no Good REcoursE for what we should do-
    (pretty, pretty please srul???)

  8. @zlou's first comment - Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

