Thursday, March 25, 2010

It Begins

People have been mentioning to me since the announcements of bein hazmanim for the other blogs in the circuit, that they are happy that this blog has continued to funtioned. From this moment onward, this blog shall do the same. But hey, noone really goes on the computer during these days anyhow, right? Certainly not me. And as per the header to this blog: "so that everyone will have what to be entertained with while they are doing work for school," when school is out, blog is out.

So, I wish everyone here a peaceful holiday, and I hope to see everyone very soon in Jerusalem.


  1. since no1 will check anyways, no need for me to comment that "funtioned" should bec "function"

  2. and no need for me to respond that "bec" should be "be"....

  3. Hey Srul- when school is in, blog is in!

