Monday, November 23, 2009

די עפל פאלט נישט וייט פון בוים

This is a very interesting incident with, what I think are, very true and real implications sent to me by my חבר ShiaZ. This is an incident which happened to David Schlusselberg (the bus):
"One day, when he was playing piano in a classroom in the Schottenstein building in YU, he was rudely interrupted by a man who works in the music department. Now, rightfully so, Schluss was kicked out of the classroom he was playing in, since it was during the day, with other classes going on, & he should have played in one of the sound-proof piano rooms. However, when Schluss came in to the second floor of Schottenstein, all those rooms were occupied, so he went into the classroom instead. When this man kicked out Schluss, he had been under the impression that one sound-proof room was open. Therefore, in kicking him out, certainly in his mind, he had every right to do this. However, Schluss informed me that this was done in an incredibly rude fashion. The man did not yell, however he was patronizing in his tone & he was downright not nice, to the extent that Schluss felt the need to tell me this story. That is part one. Next, after Schluss told me of this event, perhaps a few days later we went to lunch in a local eatery, Grandma's Pizza. Myself, Schluss, Josh Weinberg, and Michael Hoenig were sitting at a table having a nice Rosh Chodesh seudah, when our good friend, Ari Ashkenas walked in and wanted to join us. Since no more chairs remained at our table, Ari looked next to him and tried to pull over a chair from a neighboring table in order to situate himself at the head of our table and join us for lunch. This neighboring table happened to have had an elderly woman standing near it. When Ari reached for the chair, he was abruptly stalled in his grasp, as the elder woman grabbed the chair back from him, and rather rudely told him to, "Ask first." This was the chair she was going to sit down in, and so perhaps Ari should have asked if she was using it before taking it for himself. However, the way in which this woman carried herself and responded to Ari was very uncalled for, and just plain mean. This woman had every right to get her chair back, but the manner in which she went about doing this was just wrong, grabbing it out of his hand and thrusting it down in front of her, marking her territory and making an obnoxious comment to top it all off. Then, all of a sudden, the man who just the other day kicked out Schluss from his piano playing entered into Grandma's Pizza, and sat down at the table next to us to have lunch with his mother."


  1. the title of this post is further proof that Schwarzbaum's name in Yiddish would in fact be "black tree"

  2. WOW! thats very interestring. Btw did u just make up that yiddish translation or is it a real saying in yiddish too?

  3. didn't i see this vort somewhere else?

  4. i knew something was up with grandma's

  5. Why doesn't Shiaz have his own blog where he can just tell us this himself?

    Or an Alicht twitter?

    Just thinking outloud...

  6. As I told ALicht recently, if he begins to tweet, i'm in...

  7. honestly, id rather not have alicht tweet. if i wanted 50 true or false questions per day, i'd go back to my 9th grade biology class...

  8. Zlou- oy vei, TABC Bio 'nuff said...

